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1. T2 BPO production - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Originally by: Korn Beef The problem with T2 production is all the players controling BPO's handed out in the lottery IMO. They are able to produce ships cheaper than anyone using invention and therefore are able to make huge profits while...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.12.02 20:52:00
2. PLEX Price madness - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Xanaan Zenithdul[/quote This game costs 15 euros per month! 15!!!! EVERYONE IN THIS PLANET CAN AFFORD THAT! EVERYONE! shows how little you know about this planet you a**hat oww and plex prices ??? since CCP still pl...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.11.12 10:57:00
3. magnate pilots in my hi sec pockets. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Vanessa Angelus Though I'm probably gonna get popped by sentries when I try and shoot one of them, I have little to no experience in shooting at people, and I'm rapidly trying to skill this character up Oh well! you w...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.11.10 13:55:00
4. EVE Online: Tyrannis 1.2 Deployment Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: Slater Furious so why do the always anounce deployment less that 24 hours before they do it u think they would give us nore notice ehmmm... oww right, you are caldari eh... They actaually did give us nore notice, all y...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.11.01 20:09:00
5. Evading gate camps - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
What minarete said If you want to do it cheap and expendable, slap a speed fit on a vigil (yes VIGIL lol)... that thing is halfway the next gate before it finally decloacks Downside however is that its paperthin, it could pop just by targett...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.10.30 04:17:00
6. T2 Blueprints - in Science and Industry [original thread]
you can't do any of them on a T2 BPC but can do em on a T2 BPO
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.10.30 03:38:00
7. [CCRES] Capital Construction Research self destructing Billions of ISK - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
ye i know necro yadda yadda yadda CCReS must have lost a lot of its former glory as one of its members tried to pop my 10 day noob hauler in a wh, tried ofc... Buzzard was WS like mad on the hoarder (cant fly anything bigger yet) trying to pop ...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.10.13 20:51:00
8. T2 rig construction - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Can anyone tell me if i need a component array to make these in a pos or an equipment one ? Explanation is rather vague about this Thnx ish
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.10.13 13:13:00
9. T3 Invention loot price rises. - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Edited by: ishi ryu on 05/10/2010 20:20:15 Originally by: Lirinas I haven't checked T3 prices lately, but I'm wondering if we're just seeing somebody trying to boost their profits by causing a false panic? thing is... i am not st...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.10.05 20:17:00
10. EVE Online Tyrannis 1.1 Deployment - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Misanthra Any chance for future patches you all could do this crap some other TZ. Every damn patch Asia, Austalia, New Zealnad get screwed when you have unforeseen problems. Has a tendency to get old. US doesn't get to pew p...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.30 14:57:00
11. WTB melted nanoribbons - in Want Ads & Trades [original thread]
looking for a daily supply of 45-50 nano's near amarr Evemail only please
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.26 14:26:00
12. wts 1x 60 day gtc - 630 mill - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
put up for peldmax, thnx and have fun
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.22 02:37:00
13. wts 1x 60 day gtc - 630 mill - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
for khan sheidoh thnx
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.22 02:29:00
14. Yo CCP, how about some extra servers? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Can't we all just get along. Fakedit: Forget I said that. NOOO... really bad for business and yes it really is in your contact
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.20 16:55:00
15. ATAP's guide to gas harvesting and booster production. - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Edited by: ishi ryu on 08/09/2010 22:26:04 hats off Myyona, very complete, easy to use and straight to the point. Biggest problem i have with the whole booster scene is finding enough customers to offload the finished products, i left my a...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.09.08 22:24:00
16. How profitable would Research/Invention be in my case? - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Originally by: Yarinor Because the minerals he mines himself is free? Maybe he can save some time by buying the bpc instead of inventing them himself? (Not saying you're wrong, just saying you can't put it that simple)[/quote well, wit...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.01.28 01:44:00
17. Hulk prod components post patch - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Originally by: SirStamford Raffles Now it takes one char 1 slot in a pos component manufacturing array 1day 6hrs 28mins to build enough for one hulk! It used to be fusion reactors was limiter with 5 hulks worth a day per slot! So now my ...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.01.19 16:38:00
18. Decisions, Decisions - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Originally by: Lord XSiV Protip: get into mining crystals via invention. Seriously, take a look at the market. Arkonor 2 are selling for 60 times invention and production cost. Surprised no one else has picked up on it. I would suggest s...
- by ishi ryu - at 2010.01.05 11:59:00
19. [zen-style/service] High Sec POS Corp Sales - in Sell Orders [original thread]
first thing after work tonight
- by ishi ryu - at 2009.12.20 12:14:00
20. [zen-style/service] High Sec POS Corp Sales - in Sell Orders [original thread]
i'd like to reserve Lowa inc if still available. Ceo will be me, ishi ryu. thanks
- by ishi ryu - at 2009.12.20 01:55:00
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